In Alphabetical Order(List Not All-Inclusive)
the following are documents which are available from brad the cco from a secure, password enabled sign on administered by brad via google &/or microsoft &/or dropbox, or a similar module provider, & which inform & alert the recipient @, re & wrt brad nippani, the firm's chief compliance officer, & the firm's work:
Advisory Agreement (pdf document)Asset Allocation Models, Templates @, re & wrt Portfolio Values Sheet (acronymized as PVS) (also known as Portfolio Summary) (excel document)Continuum - Summary (also known as "Business Continuity Plan - Summary") (pdf document)Disclosure Brochure (pdf document)Client Relationship Summary (pdf document)Discretionary Investment Advisory & Asset Management Agreement (also known as "Limited Power Of Attorney") (pdf document)Fee Invoice (pdf document)Investment Policy Statement (acronymized as IPS) (pdf document)(This Document In Its Original Form From IPS AdvisorPro Provided By AboveRock(SM) LLC With Disclosures)this document titled "the investment policy statement" via ips advisorpro subscribed by brad through the 2000s is being utilized by Brad the CCO in adviser's practice while not exploiting, & while deriving no pecuniary, undisclosable, irreplaceable, irreversible, inside, private, discrete & cheating witness in mind that governs our universe in the second & the miniscule therein in this second & in this second & in this second somehow unseen &/or somehow unknowable, profit, advantage, edge, win, benefit, harness, harvest, &/or gain circumventing, avoiding &/or ignoring awareness' solve that is blood in mind @, re & wrt conscience @, re & wrt witness @, re & wrt the soul's eligibility unto supreme self, unless a representative from ips advisorpro informs brad otherwiseInvestor Questionnaire (acronymized as IQ) - Via Vanguard - Available At The Beginning Of The Adviser-Client Relationship (pdf document)(This Document In Its Original Form From Vanguard Provided By AboveRock(SM) LLC With Disclosures)this document titled "investor questionnaire" via vanguard subscribed by brad through the 1990s & 2000s is being utilized by Brad the CCO in adviser's practice while not exploiting, & while deriving no pecuniary, undisclosable, irreplaceable, irreversible, inside, private, discrete & cheating witness in mind that governs our universe in the second & the miniscule therein in this second & in this second & in this second somehow unseen &/or somehow unknowable, profit, advantage, edge, win, benefit, harness, harvest, &/or gain circumventing, avoiding &/or ignoring awareness' solve that is blood in mind @, re & wrt conscience @, re & wrt witness @, re & wrt the soul's eligibility unto supreme self, unless a representative from vanguard informs brad otherwiseLinks, Resources, Other (pdf document)Monthly Income & Expenses Worksheet - Via The Securities & Exchange Commission (acronymized as SEC) (pdf document)(This Worksheet In Its Current Form Originally From The SEC, A Federal Bureaucracy, Provided By AboveRock(SM) LLC)this document titled "monthly income & expenses worksheet" via the sec subscribed by brad through the 1990s & 2000s is being utilized by Brad the CCO in adviser's practice while not exploiting, & while deriving no pecuniary, undisclosable, irreplaceable, irreversible, inside, private, discrete & cheating witness in mind that governs our universe in the second & the miniscule therein in this second & in this second & in this second somehow unseen &/or somehow unknowable, profit, advantage, edge, win, benefit, harness, harvest, &/or gain circumventing, avoiding &/or ignoring awareness' solve that is blood in mind @, re & wrt conscience @, re & wrt witness @, re & wrt the soul's eligibility unto supreme self, unless a representative from the sec informs brad otherwiseNet Worth Worksheet - Via The Securities & Exchange Commission (acronymized as SEC) (pdf document)(This Worksheet In Its Current Form Originally From The SEC, A Federal Bureaucracy, Provided By AboveRock(SM) LLC)this document titled "net worth worksheet" via the sec subscribed by brad through the 1990s & 2000s is being utilized by Brad the CCO in adviser's practice while not exploiting, & while deriving no pecuniary, undisclosable, irreplaceable, irreversible, inside, private, discrete & cheating witness in mind that governs our universe in the second & the miniscule therein in this second & in this second & in this second somehow unseen &/or somehow unknowable, profit, advantage, edge, win, benefit, harness, harvest, &/or gain circumventing, avoiding &/or ignoring awareness' solve that is blood in mind @, re & wrt conscience @, re & wrt witness @, re & wrt the soul's eligibility unto supreme self, unless a representative from the sec informs brad otherwisePortfolio Summary (pdf document)Privacy, Receipt (pdf document)Review Calls (pdf document)Revised Fee Agreement (pdf document)The Financial Process (pdf document)(This Document Originally From Morningstar, Inc. Provided By AboveRock(SM) LLC With Disclosures)this document titled "the financial process" via morningstar subscribed by brad through the 1990s & 2000s is being utilized by Brad the CCO in adviser's practice while not exploiting, & while deriving no pecuniary, undisclosable, irreplaceable, irreversible, inside, private, discrete & cheating witness in mind that governs our universe in the second & the miniscule therein in this second & in this second & in this second somehow unseen &/or somehow unknowable, profit, advantage, edge, win, benefit, harness, harvest, &/or gain circumventing, avoiding &/or ignoring awareness' solve that is blood in mind @, re & wrt conscience @, re & wrt witness @, re & wrt the soul's eligibility unto supreme self, unless a representative from morningstar informs brad otherwiseThe Financial Process - Signatures (pdf document)____________________________________________________________________brad nippani, the firm's chief compliance officer, also known as & also referred to as brad the cco, is the same individual & the same human being & the same human person & the same natural person as the founder, owner, president, chief compliance officer, qualified broker, employer, governor & manager of the firm sir & mister bharadwaj “brad” venkata sesha “v. s.” nippani who is also aboverock(sm) llc's supervising, examining & examinations principal & the principal executive officer of, at (@), regarding (re) & with respect to (wrt) aboverock(sm) llc @ aboverock(sm) llc, the adviser firm (aka "the adviser"), &  who governs, supervises, administers, is responsible for, & births, journeys and arrives at one or more responsibilities, expectations & accountabilities regarding this matter/such matter(s) and, on a continuous basis, identifies and records applicable factors, processes, policies & information in the firm's documents.
all rights including, but not limited to, patent, copyright, &/or trademark (also known as & also referred to as servicemark), are reserved.2023 onto 2024. bharadwaj "brad" venkata sesha "v. s." nippani @, re & wrt, from, of, through & via, & with, aboverock(sm) llc.